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Electroforming process for Jewellery Industry

Electroforming process for Jewellery Industry: All you Need to Know

This is a cyanide-free silver electroforming process for jewellery industry that has been designed to have alkaline silver electroforming electrolytes. It takes into account the requirements for jewellery to thrive; high deposit brightness and good ductility at high thickness.

SEE ALSOElectroforming and Decorative Finishing: Understanding and Knowing the Basics

This process can also be supplied in the SF version. This means that the final product has a satin finish.

Nuform (KDF, GC and CNF) as an Electroforming Process for Jewellery Industry

Nuform KDF is a cyanide based, cadmium-free electroforming process series for the jewellery industry that produces gold/copper alloy deposits from 14 to 22 carats. It has a yellow-reddish shade that distinguishes it from other variants of Nuform.

Deposits after annealing are stress-free and show good solderability and mechanical resistance. Nuform GC also produces gold/copper alloy deposits between 14-22 carat. Nuform CNF produces from 22 to 24 carat gold deposits. Nuform CNF is 100% cyanide free.

Auroform as an Electroforming System for Jewellery Industry

This is an advanced, automatic gold alloy electroforming process for Jewellery Industry that mainly consists of Auroform Monolith, which is an automatic machine. It has been designed in order to perform gold alloy eletroforming with the most accurate weighing precision possible in a automatic system and a reduced process time.

These are some of the basic things you may need to know.

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